PSR/Confirmation Registration

Please use a separate form for each child

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    • If your child is preparing for Confirmation, they will need a sponsor.

      Sponsors should be a practicing Catholics and someone your child looks up to in matters of faith. Sponsors will journey alongside your child as they prepare for this important Sacrament.

      Please also provide the name and phone number of the Church they attend.
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    • Please fill out this field. Please enter a phone number.
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    • I give my permission to have candid and/or formal photos of my child taken with the understanding that these photos may be displayed on the Mater Dolorosa/St. Dominic website, local newspaper, Catholic commentator, Mater Dolorosa Facebook page, and/or in gathering areas of Mater Dolorosa/ St. Dominic.
      Please select this field.
    • If you would rather pay by check or cash, click proceed to payment, and contact Allison Dreher at 985-878-9639. Registration is free from the 4th child on.
    Proceed to Payment

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